
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2013

100 questions of life :)

Found this and start to full it. 001. Name: Jihan Ramadhana Safitri 002. Nickname(s): Jihan, Ji, Jian, Jijih 003. Status: Single 004. Zodiac sign: Aquarius 005. Male or female: Female 006. Elementary School: SD YPPSB 007. Middle School: SMP YPPSB 008. High School: SMAN 1 Sangatta Utara 009. Smart: not too 010. Hair color: black 011. Tall or short: short ToT 012. Loud or Quiet: Loud, but Quite when i sleep 013. Sweats or Jeans: both 014. Phone or Camera: phone. 015. Health freak: NO 016. Drink or Smoke: negative 017. Do you have a crush on someone: of course 018. Eat or Drink: can't live without both of them. 019. Piercings: kagak 020. Tattoos: hadiah chiki 021. Foods you dislike: almost nothing 022. Right or left-handed: right FIRSTS: 023. First Piercings: gak ada 024. First best friend: IBU 025. First award: lomba makan kerupuk se-RT 026. First crush: tetangga ;) 027. First pet: pou 028. First big vacation: ke Mekkah *mimpi dulu 029. First concert: ?? 030. Fir...