100 questions of life :)

Found this and start to full it.

001. Name: Jihan Ramadhana Safitri
002. Nickname(s): Jihan, Ji, Jian, Jijih
003. Status: Single
004. Zodiac sign: Aquarius
005. Male or female: Female
006. Elementary School: SD YPPSB
007. Middle School: SMP YPPSB
008. High School: SMAN 1 Sangatta Utara
009. Smart: not too
010. Hair color: black
011. Tall or short: short ToT
012. Loud or Quiet: Loud, but Quite when i sleep
013. Sweats or Jeans: both
014. Phone or Camera: phone.
015. Health freak: NO
016. Drink or Smoke: negative
017. Do you have a crush on someone: of course
018. Eat or Drink: can't live without both of them.
019. Piercings: kagak
020. Tattoos: hadiah chiki
021. Foods you dislike: almost nothing
022. Right or left-handed: right


023. First Piercings: gak ada
024. First best friend: IBU
025. First award: lomba makan kerupuk se-RT
026. First crush: tetangga ;)
027. First pet: pou
028. First big vacation: ke Mekkah *mimpi dulu
029. First concert: ??
030. First big birthday: ke 25 ??
031. First big fight: dengan ego
032. First sport: lari
033. First enemy: Physic with Mr. K
034. First phobia: ketinggian, tapi suka manjat pohon
035. First celebrity idol: Adly Fairus
036. First clique: tauk ah
037. First bad impression: belatung


038. Eating: yang enak
039. Drinking: apapun yang bisa diminum
040. Listening to: ceramah --'
041. About to: writing
042. Waiting for: gak suka nunggu
043. Wearing: clothes
044. Worried about: banyak hal
045. Loving: Allah, parents, family, everyone who loves me
046. Missing: masa lalu
047. Planning for today: sleep, eat


048. College: di manapun asal bukan di Sangatta. Bosan euyy
049. Silk: Sunsilk
050. Cupid: Imut
051. Pickle: spongebob
052. Penny: Feny
053. Stop: engkau mencuri hatiku
054. 777: tujuan
055. Guam: Guan Yu
056. Banana: keju
057. Debt: water


058. Want kids: 3
059. Want to get married: yes with my fate
060. Careers in mind: novelist


061. Lips or eyes: eyes
062. Hugs or kisses: hugs
063. Shorter or taller: taller
064. Romantic or spontaneous: both
065. Nice stomach or nice arms: nice arms
066. Sensitive or loud: loud
067. Hook-up or relationship: relationship
068. Older or younger: older
069. Richer or poorer: richer lah. Cewek itu haru mater *kata Pak Arif
070. Smart or witty: dua-duanya
071. Trouble maker or hesitant: Trouble maker
072. High maintenance or plain: high maintenance
073. Glasses or contacts: Glasses
074. Rigid or moody: mending kaku dari pada Moody, kayak cewek aja
075. Lots of friends or no friends: lots of friends. Because your friends are also my mine. and I love to have a lot friends :)


076. Kissed a stranger: Ish Nggak lah
077. Lost glasses/contacts: Kalo mecahin kacamata, pernah
078. Forgotten a password: Sering. Jadi trauma pake password yang beda-beda
079. Blacked out: Tidak
080. Broken someone’s heart: Gak tau
081. Been arrested: heh?
082. Seen a monster: yes, Mr. K
083. Ran away from home: nggak
084. Felt like dying: he'eh
085. Killed an animal: jadi inget nyembelih ayam di skola pas kelas 9.
086. Cheated: Sering, tapi pingin tobat
087. Cried when someone died: yes, my friend


088. God: Alhamdulillah ya
089. Yourself: sometimes yes, sometimes no
090. Miracles: well, a miracle is another name of an effort
091. Love at first sight: karena nggak pernah ngerasain, jadi nggak terlalu percaya
092. Heaven: Ialah, karena itu yang kita kejar di dunia
093. Santa Claus: nggak. Tapi pas kecil percaya aja pas nonton film.
094. Fairies: Because I'm a fairy, so Yes
095. Kiss on the first date: nggak
096. Angels: Yes, they are in right and left side of me


097. Is there one person you want to be with right now: yes, but he might sleep now
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life: sometime
099. Is Superman really better than Batman: nggak, soalnya superman nggak tau malu, CD-nya di luar.
100. Re-post?: please



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