Ulzzang Girl List Name
Hello, how's life?
I'm so so actually.. LOL
I just wanna share about some ulzzang girl's name.
P.S. : THE PICS ARE NOT MINE SO YOU CAN USE IT AS YOU WANT. But if you want to repost this article please take with full credit. :) Give respect each other!!
If u haven't know yet, Ulzzang means best face. and it's popular in Korea.
Just let's Check these out!!!
1. Choi Haneul
I'm so so actually.. LOL
I just wanna share about some ulzzang girl's name.
P.S. : THE PICS ARE NOT MINE SO YOU CAN USE IT AS YOU WANT. But if you want to repost this article please take with full credit. :) Give respect each other!!
If u haven't know yet, Ulzzang means best face. and it's popular in Korea.
Just let's Check these out!!!
1. Choi Haneul
2. Choi Seohee
3. Choi Eunhee
4. Baek Jae-Ah
4. Byun Ji-Young
5. Ban Nam-Gyu
6. Do Hoe Ji /Do Hwe Ji
7. Haneul
7. Haneul

8. Hong Ah Reum
9. Hong Young Ki / Hong Young Gi
10. Jung Bo Ra
11. Jung Hye Won
12. Kang Su Ra
13. Kim Da Hyun
14. Kim Seul Mi
15. Kim Shin Yeong
16. Lee Geum Hee
17. Lee Hyo Jin
18. Lee Soa / Lee So Ah
19. Lee Yeon Ju a.k.a Mikki
20. Park Hyo Jin
21. Ryu Hye Ju
22. Song Ah Ri
23. Yeon Ji Hee
24. Yoo Jung Roo
25. Hye Jin
26. Lee Soo Hyun
27. Lee Ye Jin
28. Park Bo Ram
29. Yoo Hyun Jin
30. Lee Jung Ha
31.Kim Jee In
Only sharing. It's not all of ulzzang girl. only a few. but I hope it can help you some day.
P.S. : P.S. : THE PICS ARE NOT MINE SO YOU CAN USE IT AS YOU WANT. But if you want to repost this article please take with full credit. :) Give respect each other!!
Yesterday I tried googling about ulZzang girls name and I felt disappoint when ia found that unresponsible one repost this article on asianfanfics.com without credit. T..T. And when I check again, there's a lot other unresponsible people who repost it on their site.
actually it's disappointing. Of course! I made this list not just copas from the internet or any article. I did googling and look for them at many tumblrs. And I was never thinking that it would be happen like now. I think every internet user has attitude. But I was wrong.. T..T
I like ulzzang so I collect many pics of them. Because of it, I knew a lot of ulzzang's name. Can you imagine aomething that you posted with effort, has reposted with unresponsible people. Ugh, it's annoying!!!
nice ^^
BalasHapusI really envy them... I want to take picture like them but all my friends says that I look more beautiful in reallity
BalasHapusreally kopta feel envy ><
BalasHapusHye Jin!! sama Byun Ji Young paling cakep :3
BalasHapusSeuk Hye <3
BalasHapusthere cute really inspiring thanks for the pics that youve posted!!!
BalasHapus<3 lots BEV-D.
Jiihand Thanks for sharing...I Like it<3...
BalasHapuskenapa gaada park hwan hui? :(
BalasHapuskenapa gaada park hwan hui? :(
BalasHapuskenapa gaada park hwan hui? :(
BalasHapussiempre me han dicho q me paresco Choi Haneul.. es q en realidad hago muecas parecidas a las de ellas *ww* amo a mis amigo.. cuando me ven hay viene la ulzzang linda *o*.. o/
BalasHapuschoi haneul paling cantiiiikkkk
BalasHapusItu kakak sayaa. wakakakak
HapusPark Hyo Jin ! she's very beautiful.. OMGee.. ~
BalasHapusChoi seo hee.. :*
BalasHapushello! need your help. do you guys know her name? http://24.media.tumblr.com/01f7a86cdbf7d678eed3c425bb8a8109/tumblr_ms6x359iDo1rz3hbyo1_400.jpg
BalasHapusI'm sorry, i dunno, but i'll try to find out who she is. Please visit this blog next time, coz i'll post ulzzang girl list name part 2. Now, it's in process since i need to collect some other ulzzang name. :)
Hapushey, I need you help. Do you know this person's name ? http://data1.whicdn.com/images/20167322/uzz31_large.jpg
BalasHapusand this one too http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ZnMGqlyHAYQ/TvsgNPbJWRI/AAAAAAAAA3U/4ywp12UYPeI/s320/tumblr_l3tgolYR861qazyaeo1_400.jpg. Are they the same person ? please answer me.
I don't think so. IMHO, they have different structure on eyes and eyebrows.
HapusSorry but i don't know their name, but i'll try to find out who they are, and post it on ulzzang girl lizt name part two (if i can.) :)
I don't know the name of the first person, but I know the name of the second person. her name is Park Hye Min a.k.a Pony. I think, they are not the same ._.
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusgeum hee cantik banget <3
BalasHapusPark hyo jin and Mikki! Love both of themm awh!!
BalasHapusHey, i will borrow some pictures here for my Fanfic story, can I get some?
BalasHapusYes you are. :) You don't have my permission to boorow the picture coz it's not mine. but if you want to repost the article please confirm. :)
Hapus.. cute guyzzz
BalasHapus. wow all cute .
BalasHapusthey are all kyeopta and yeppuda *O*
BalasHapusDo Hwe Ji is really pretty! ^^
BalasHapusHello! Thanks to this blog I found the character for my Loving Kyu fanfic on Wattpad! :) I'll put your name with credits after I show my readers. THANK YOU!
BalasHapushi, I can pass this post to my blog?
BalasHapusI will give you some credits.
I hope your answer
sure :)
Btw, this collection helped me a lot! Thanku so much for making this~ o u o
You're welcome :))
Hapuslee dasom please.....
BalasHapusCan i get some pictures here for my Characters on wattpad. Thankyou <3