Ulzzang Girl List Name Part 2

Assalamulaikum Wr. Wb.

After a long time, finnaly i've collect some other names of ulzzang girl. I dunno why, but i really like to see how they wear make up so naturally, even though i've seen some tutorials, i still admire them. But i also dunno why i'm not really interest with ulzzang boy, maybe because they're not too manly while my ideal type of boy is MANLY. LOL :)

P.S. : THE PICS ARE NOT MINE SO YOU CAN USE IT AS YOU WANT. But if you want to repost this article please take with full credit. :) Give respect each other :))

1. Jung Hyun Joo

2. Shin Ae Sol

3. Han Bom

4. Hana Reum Song Lee

5. Park Hye Min a.k.a Pony

6. Seo Ji Hye

7. Jang Min Hee

8. Lee Da Som

9. Jang Hae Byeol

10. Kim Ara

11. Ban Yoon Hee

12. Park Hwan Hui

13. Seo Sung Kyung

14. Seo Gyuri

15. Seo Se Ri

16. Sung Shin

17. Chany

18. Hong Hee Jung

19. Park Sora

20. Park Yong Hee

21. Yoon Ah Ra

22. Kim Jung Yeon

23. Wang Yi Yi (Chinese Ulzzang)

24. Kim Do Yeon

25. Baek Su Min

26. Kim Min Seo

27. Park Se Mi

28. Moon Ya El


I think enough for this part.
Thank you. 

wassalamualaikum wr. wb :)

sources list name,

of course google.com


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